Wednesday, April 1, 2015

day 1: no joke

Let me start off on a tangent by saying that today is Debbie Reynolds's birthday, and a) I love Singin' in the Rain--it might be my all time favorite musical, movie, everything--and b) did you know that Carrie Fisher is Debbie Reynolds's daughter? Because I didn't, and that just might be too much talent for one family.


So day one!

Don't expect any deep philosophical revelations here yet because the only thing on my mind is the caffeine withdrawal headache I've had all day. Yes, I've made the unfortunate but quite necessary choice to include caffeine on my list of "Don'ts" for this Whole30. Officially, coffee and tea and other vehicles for caffeine are perfectly acceptable in the Whole30 literature as long as what is added to them is also compliant.


The first "Good Food Standard" outlined in It Starts With Food is that we should eat things that promote a healthy psychological response.

Allow me to be the first to admit that my psychological response to caffeine is anything but healthy. Even if I wasn't sure before if I was addicted, you'd better believe I'm sure now that I can feel how my body is handling a lack of it. So as much as it is going to suck for a few days, I'm taking advantage of this system overhaul I'm doing to also release myself of my dependence on caffeine.

The silver lining is, I get to discover all these things that make me feel great that aren't caffeine-related and that also help with the headaches. For example, this evening I went for a walk. I needed to move and I needed to be outside--win, win! It was perfect actually, because I strapped on my walking shoes, bundled up a bit (spring IS coming soon, right?) and queued up the most recent "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me". I went out when the sun was low and got back just as it was setting. It may sound contrived, but I can't think of a better way to end the day. Except with a bubble bath--which I also did! Man, I have to keep this up because it is AMAZING.

But real talk, caffeine addiction is nothing to sneeze at. I wouldn't consider myself an avid coffee drinker, although I did have a habit of sucking down green tea like it was oxygen--plus the occasional energy drink (don't get me started on the implications of the chemical shit storm that is your run-of-the-mill Monster or Red Bull or Five Hour Energy, blech!). The lesson to be learned here is, you can wax poetic all night long about how you just drink coffee because you like the taste, or how you're not dependent on caffeine to get started in the morning, or how you could give it up anytime--and maybe that's true--but if you're willing to go without, even just for a day, your body will let you know the truth.

And right now my body is saying "Hey! Usually you give me this thing that makes me feel like I'm working better, can I get some of that please? No? You mean I have to make my own energy somehow? And how do you suppose I do that, missy?"

Sunset walks and bubble baths are a pretty good start.

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