Sunday, April 19, 2015

day 19: blood of the tiger

It's difficult for me to tell if my body actually looks better, or if I just think it looks better because my mood and general outlook--and therefore, perception of myself--is better.

It's probably a little bit of both.

I definitely feel like I've de-puffed, if that makes sense. My muscles look more defined, despite working out less frequently and with less intensity. Who knew systemic inflammation was blurring the lines on what I had worked so hard to define? I don't think my general body composition has changed that much, but it's like I was in soft-focus before and now clean-cut details are coming into view. I don't know, maybe it's all the core stabilization exercises I've been doing in physical therapy, but everything feels tighter.

Also, things are just better. Today was one of the most productive days I've had in a long time. But it was simultaneously one of the most relaxing, enjoyable days as well. Getting stuff done is usually hectic and high stress for me--especially initiating it. I do feel better when I get to cross things off my list though. Today was a completely different sensation. There was no stress associated with any of my activities. I was simply going about my day, being awesome.

I think this is what they call "Tiger Blood". According to the typical timeline provided on the Whole30 website, Tiger Blood usually shows up after the halfway point and feels like "someone flipped a switch and turned on the awesome." They say for some, Tiger Blood means "your energy is steadier, you’ve got a firmer handle on the cravings, and you’re experimenting with new, delicious foods. You may notice that your ability to focus is keener, your body composition is changing, your moods are more stable, you’re stepping up your exercise, or you’re just plain happier these days."

All of these things are true for me.

This is a rare instance when I don't really mind being considered "typical". Because it truly is awesome.

I'm not surprised at all. I read the literature, I know people who've done this before, I knew I was going to feel awesome--and the nice thing is, knowing it was coming didn't dampen the feeling one bit.

(Fast forward to reintroduction time and it's going to be even more difficult to say goodbye to this awesome feeling, even if it is only for a few days while I figure out my level of sensitivity to stuff.)

On a somewhat related note, I'm guessing the term "Tiger Blood" is referencing the use of tiger parts in traditional Chinese medicine--with blood being used to strengthen constitution and build willpower. Very apropos for the Whole30--though I do not condone the poaching and selling of these animals and parts on the black market to support this practice. But that is another issue entirely.

For now, I'll strive to stay excellent--with tiger blood coursing through my veins.

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