Monday, April 6, 2015

day 6: eat the delicious thing

Somewhere in a parallel universe, I'm sure I'm a food blogger. But not in this one.

I really like taking pictures of my food and sharing them, but you guys, it's hard! The lighting is never good! And half the time what I'm eating is just a jumble on my plate anyway, and then I'm licking the plate clean before I can process the thought of photographing it (although I'm sure somewhere out there in the vast interwebs someone has developed a niche for empty dish photos).

Then if I do manage to make my plate of food look aesthetically pleasing with my subpar cell phone camera--and it is well-received--people want to know what recipe I used.

This is where I fall very short.

I'll be frank with you: I could tell you my "recipes" but you would get bored really quickly because it would start to sound like the same thing over and over.

Put raw delicious thing in hot skillet with ghee. Season delicious thing with sea salt and black pepper (and garlic, let's be honest). Cook delicious thing completely. Put delicious thing on plate. Eat delicious thing.

If I vary from that formula, it's usually not much--and if it is, I sure as heck don't have a plan or measurements. Whether it's eggs, any type of vegetable, or good-quality meats and seafood, it's the thing itself that is the most delicious to me and so I rarely want to muck it up with lots of other ingredients.

It's just simpler that way.

Maybe it'll get boring soon, who knows. Although, I can say with confidence that I've eaten sweet potatoes practically every day for at least the last two years (possibly longer) and have yet to get tired of them. I would eat sweet potatoes at every meal if I thought it would be acceptable to do so. But luckily, there are so many other awesome vegetables our there to try that I don't have to resort to my standby at every meal. Plus, I might start to turn orange.

I like to counter that with lots of green. I know orange and green aren't technically complimentary colors but I like the way they look juxtaposed on a plate. They're also two of my favorite colors. My other favorite is purple. Basically, give my a meal of sweet potatoes, beets, and kale and I'm practically in heaven. And then put an egg on it.

ANYWAY--now that I know recipes are of interest to some people, I will make an effort to post about some meals that come out particularly well. I mean, it's only Day 6 so I'm sure I'm going to run out of things to blab about soon and will have nothing left to do except post recipes.

For now, my recipe advice is this: play to your strengths! If you know you like a certain ingredient (garlic, or curry, etc), go with it. Put things that are delicious on their own together and chances are they will be delicious together. That is super vague advice but I don't know what else to say. Cooking is something that kind of just comes with experience (trial and error requires a thick skin, or thick taste buds in this case).

There's always Google. Searching "whole30 _______" whatever dish you're curious about is a stellar place to start. Chances are there is an awesome blogger who has already made it. And they probably have their own cookbook published and take MUCH better photos than I do.

And when in doubt, put an egg on it!

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