Sunday, April 26, 2015

day 26: home stretch

Four more days left in my April Whole30. Three more weeks left in my first year of veterinary school.

This is it, people.

In regards to the Whole30, I'm getting excited to reintroduce some foods and finally see how my body really reacts to them. I'm not looking forward to feeling crappy as a result, but knowing for sure will be worth it. I'm also excited to continue living this new healthy life--it may not be Whole30 24/7 but it will be so much better than before.

When it comes to the school year, I'm excited to no longer spend eight hours a day sitting indoors. I'm terrified--however--by how much I've crammed in my brain in the last nine months and am not sure I'll be able to hold on to it. (I'm terrified of a lot of things when it comes to vet school, but I won't get into that now.)

Looking forward, I hold on to hope that I might convince my boyfriend to try the Whole30 himself (it'll be a hard sell--he really likes cheese). I, on the other hand, would happily continue eating Whole30 indefinitely. As of right now, on day 26, there isn't a food that comes to mind that I immediately want to partake in the instant day 31 rolls around.

My reintroduction protocol will be intentional, but most likely slow. As long as I alone am responsible for the food I consume, it will probably be compliant (it feels too good to stop now). But I can see myself enjoying a glass of wine--or perhaps popcorn at the movies--in the near future so knowing whether those sorts of things are worth it for me will have to be sussed out.

However, there is a very strong possibility that I will simply extend this whole business to a Whole45 because reintroducing foods that could potentially have negative effects that linger for a few days is not necessarily something that I want to inflict on myself during final exams.

In fact, I just decided right here, right now as I am typing: this is now a Whole45. It's the right choice for me. It will reinforce my new healthy habits and ensure that I'm feeling my best physically, mentally, and emotionally all the way through to the close of the school year (when stress will no doubt threaten to take me down).

This is an important time to be--and stay--at the top of my game. The results of the experiment are extremely important but they can wait a couple more weeks. If anything, a longer elimination period will only strengthen the data gleaned when I do reintroduce foods.

Hmm, it feels really good to make this decision--

I'm doing a Whole45.

And when I complete it, I will simultaneously be completing my first year as a veterinary student.

That feels good. That feels right.

Bring it on.

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