Sunday, April 12, 2015

day 12: see you later, seasonal affective disorder!

We're getting into the time of year when it's going to become really difficult for me to get stuff done because I just want to be outside all the time.

Today was the warmest, sunniest day we've had yet this spring and it looks like it's going to be even warmer tomorrow. In fact, the forecast looks optimistically pleasant for the next 10 days (it's not even supposed to get below freezing at night--fingers crossed). Although--and please don't get angry with me for saying this--I would not put it past upstate New York to dump snow on us at least once again before summer. But let's not think about that, let's focus on today.

And what a beautiful day it was!

I tried to make the most of it: eating my lunch out on my little patio (my shins may be sunburnt tomorrow), driving with the windows down (and the radio way up), and taking a long evening walk (listening to old episodes of "This American Life"). I would have liked to study outside as well, but my back doesn't like slumping over notes on the ground and I don't have a table or anything that I can sit up at and spread out like I can at my desk. Plus, in the gorgeous bright sun it's nearly impossible to read screens and unfortunately, most of my work is computer-based (boo hiss).

So I compromised by opening all the windows and all the blinds so at least I could feel the sun and the breeze while I studied the afternoon away.

Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury Monday through Friday when I'm basically indoors from 8:00am to 5:00pm. I'm lucky that the tutor room in which I spend 2-3 hours a day has a window, lest I go completely mad.

These observations are very telling when it comes to choosing a specialty pathway within veterinary medicine. It's still way too early to know what kind of work I want to do as a vet, but something tells me it's not going to be general practice. I'll know more definitively after my internship this summer but field research sounds awfully inviting.

Ah, but I can't get into that now because I'm almost finished with my deliciously spicy post-dinner cup of rooibos tea, my eyelids are getting heavier by the minute, and I have a date with my pillow and comforter that is fast approaching.

Tonight I'll fall asleep reminding myself to put on SPF tomorrow (gasp!), and already looking forward to feeling the sun on my skin and the wind in my hair.

Bring it, Monday.

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